Posted on: June 25, 2021 Posted by: Meagan Grace Comments: 0

June 17

There was a loud creak. My mouse friend was so scared that they ran out of our box! I was pulled out from that dark shed and unboxed. They spread me out on the ground and pumped me up into a big balloon! Everything is so nice outside. I saw a new mouse that was a lot bigger and had a bushy tail for some reason. Then they let the air out of me. Seriously, just leave me blown up! I can see things a lot better when I’m high up.

June 18

They pumped me up again, and I was all by myself for several hours. But then a bunch of little people came that were very loud. They wore funny pointy hats, and blew on curly paper so that it stuck straight out and made a loud noise. I like it better when it’s curled up. It reminds me of a cute snail I saw earlier today. I was just getting used to the noise when they started to pile on top of me! It was very uncomfortable, but I quickly started to laugh along with them and have fun! Until this one kid – no, wait, there were two – jumped on me with hard things strapped to their feet! It hurt a lot! Thankfully, someone saved me and got those kids to get off. The rest of the day was alright, but I know I’m going to be sore tomorrow.

Author’s Note: Thanks to my brother Ben for helping me with the idea and editing.
