Posted on: June 28, 2021 Posted by: Jenson Doan Comments: 0

DISCLAIMER: No one has been watching Jonathan Frakes and I am disappointed.

Reader discretion is advised.

Did you guys know that separator existed? It’s actually really useful. I didn’t know about it before. Silly me.

I’m not really sure what happened the last couple of days. I know we went to Downtown Disney and picked up some legos. My nephews have a ton of legos but they never seem to play with them. It’s kind of sad, really. This was the set that my parents let my brother get, along with three of our custom minifigures:

(Did I talk the little bugger into getting this? Yes. Yes I did. But in my defense it was this or some really strange Captain America mech. Why would Captain America need a mech? It wasn’t even a good mech. Give me the 501st any day over that.)

My nephews got some minecraft sets. I didn’t help them build them so much as I kind of sat there waiting for them to get tired and then burst through a whole bag. They tell me I’m too old for Legos. I tell them that’s ridiculous nonsense. I don’t think I’ll ever get too old for Legos honestly.

Somewhere along the way my older nephew asks me if I like basketball. I tell him kind of. I think my parents had just gone to the Clippers game or something, that’s why he was asking. He asks me which team I like – the Clippers? No, I tell him. Warriors for sure. Then he asks if I like the Lakers. I tell him no.

“So you don’t like Kobe,” he declares, in that kind of weird manner of fact tone that you use sometimes when you’ve gotten someone to fall for a logic trap and win an argument or something. He uses it a lot. Either he’s really self assured or he’s whining, like, 80% of the time. That’s how it feels anyways.

I tell him no, of course I like Kobe, who doesn’t like Kobe? So then he asks me if I think Kobe’s the GOAT. My mother, unprompted, introduces herself into the conversation and suggests even though Kobe’s great, Michael Jordan’s maybe a little better and more popular.

“Who’s Michael Jordan?” my older nephew asks.

…please help.

Also, look at these cool Bat-vehicles they have over there:

There’s no reason for this I just want you to see the Bat-vehicles. The Batfleck Batmobile looks strangely cool in Lego form.

I struggle to remember what else we did in the last however many days. I remember saying goodbye to everyone yesterday. My nephews and niece, of course. I remember my niece was making another fuss because I never hug her or something. Or kiss her. One of those. That’s strange to me. I also have to say goodbye to all the adults in the house. It occurs to me I don’t really know any of them and they really, really don’t know me. They treat me with love and affection because we are related by blood.

What does blood count for? It occurs to me now that one of my protagonist’s main burdens is the expectations placed upon him because of his family name and who he’s related to, which, of course, he all but literally takes a flamethrower to. I feel like that says something about me. I still like everyone around the house and in the family, it’s just that we don’t really have any significant relationship. My nephews and niece aside, of course.

Anyways, on the car ride back I once again feel carsick. I blindfold myself because I want to go to sleep. I cannot go to sleep, but for some reason being blindfolded helps me feel not carsick.

I spend the entire rest of the car ride blindfolded. It is fun.

I feel like I’m going to forget all that in a week because I have a busy week ahead of me. There is much to do. I have lost much time. I will do my very best to pull a Hamilton. Writing these has not exactly been fun but it has been something.

Before I go and restart my short story about a homicidal, mafia boss Santa Claus or attempt foolishly to score the mind(scape), I’ll leave you with one more thing from my vacation:

My niece: “Are you sad?”
Me: “No.”

My niece: “Are you mad?”
Me: “No.”

“Do you have feelings?”


“So what are you?”

“I’m Batman.”

I swear to god that’s a real conversation I had ok bye
