Posted on: February 7, 2022 Posted by: Jenson Doan Comments: 0
   My home.
The place that I love.
   Where we fly above
The land like a dove.

The place filled with people, and friends, and helpers all,
   Who, together, accomplish any task, big or small,
And should you have but one single thing,
   They would rally to your aid, bear your rings,
And life is indeed a beautiful place when you’ve got
   That one, solitary currency which many others have not.

And yet it is a currency that weighs heavy in the wallet.
   A bloodborne burden on my shoulders, even for all it
Does for me, all the doors it opens, paths it creates,
   This key is the key to more omens, heavier weights,
What man can carry this boon with wisdom
   Without seeing it creates these prisons

Of the mind, of the soul, of action,
   Which splits the soul from whole to factions?
I want to carry my name with grace and skill,
   I want to guide these trusting people over the distant hills,
To show them all the ways they themselves can grow
   To lead them to lands beyond what we now know.

But to tarry and folly, by and by, that will not just cost me,
   But tarnish the coin which my family holds in perpetuity.
That would spit on all my father has struggled for.
   This is a responsibility that I will never ignore.
These people entrust me their coin,
   I cannot help but feel it is forlorn.

For who could possibly spend such money?
   Me? No. That’s just funny.
I could never be my father,
   Nor, I think, could any other.
But they’ve given me this place, this home.
   This land is very lonely if you wander it alone.

For you would wander
   Blameless, but
Nameless, and

That is not who I am.
   I will not go on the lam
And abandon the funds
   Which they’ve left me to run.

Tell you what, I think I’ll try my best.
   No one could spend all this, but I won’t rest
If I don’t at least give this a shot.
   I will act like my father fought,
Do my best to be someone worthy of 
   These generous funds, the people’s love.

There will be much money left unspent,
   And I shall not rush to expend these cents,
But my current course is better than nothing, truly.
   Better do something with this than be seen as unruly
Irreverent, abhorrent. To turn my back on 
   What I’ve been given is simply wrong.

And yet though I leverage these funds into ways to act,
   I cannot ignore the mere and simple fact 
That this name, this blood keeps me tethered to the ground.
   And sometimes I wish to go around and around

Till this currency falls from my 
   Being and I launch into the sky
Where, free of all this weight,
   I may rise like an angel and fly.

[Author’s Note: This poem about Archangelo Jatore, son of the revered Guardian of Delta Michaelangelo Jatore, was originally written February 8, 2021 and remastered for release. The first two tracks of Gatekeeper Episode 4 have been written, so expect that sometime soon. Until we have need of one another again.]
