Posted on: March 22, 2022 Posted by: Shreya Jha Comments: 0

Dear Melvin,

Yes, the old greeting is back. I missed it. It didn’t feel right without it. Anyways, apparently she was going to check for completion yesterday but a lot of people haven’t been organizing their journal things so she couldn’t grade their journals. A lot of people got zeroes yesterday. Luckily, when I get bored I fiddle with formatting, so you are very tidy. My English grade is doing A-okay.

My other grades, on the other hand… well, let’s just say that chem pop quiz was unkind. Here’s hoping the parentals don’t check my grades before I can fix that up. Oh, I should work on the extra credit project Trenia gave us so we could pull our grades up.

Off to design a lab, bye Melvin.
