Posted on: October 24, 2022 Posted by: Yan N. Comments: 0

for the ones whose hearts ache. the ones who cry themselves to sleep. the ones who put on a brave face, a happy face, but fall apart when someone asks if they’re okay.

the ones who carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.
this poem is for you.

Child of the world—the moon—the stars,

why do you have your head down?

What you yearn for is not far, 

and in time it shall be found. 

Your mother has started again—

her moods, I mean? Then do not fret, 

for Fate itself I shall bend, 

and our relationship it will let. 

Meet me near the nonfiction aisle, 

holding books ranging from true crime to science, 

history to biographies; oh- it shall be at this isle 

that we will ponder and engage in acts of defiance!

And there I shall hold you so tight, 

whispering words of warmth and solace; 

it’ll be the love you’ve always longed for when you get in a fight,

and my words won’t be dripping with malice, 

not like the ones your mother spit with harsh delight.

Hush now, chin up! 

We’ll be together soon, once more,  

and your heart shan’t be broken like a chipped cup; 

it’ll be mended with the careful light of the moon 

that illuminates our every contact, our every checkup. 

For I’ve always been here, 

and I always will, ’til death does us part; 

but even death is too mere, too mere-! 

of an obstacle for someone like me,

protector of your heart. 
