Posted on: March 19, 2023 Posted by: Eliora Hilomen Comments: 0

Hovering over the keys of the piano, Farrah’s fingers stilled. Silence permeated throughout the chamber, except for the silent dripping of blood. Her blood. Kali had tried in vain to heal her fingers, before giving up and wrapping it in simple cloth. It had been days since Farrah injured them in the process of abandoning their ship, and hours after she had discovered the small island, did they come across this piano hidden in a nook by the sea. 

It was a simple piano, weathered by the elements, but Farrah thought it had looked nice enough and usable to play, despite Kali’s insistence that something wasn’t right with it. 

It was strange, though, that Farrah ignored Kali, without even acknowledging her concerns. It was almost as if Farrah wasn’t present, her gaze looking at somewhere far, far away. 

A footsteps interrupted her thoughts, and Farrah’s gaze focused onto the entrance of the cave.

Farrah moved her hand off the piano, just in time for Kali to enter the chamber, carrying a makeshift chair. 

“Sorry, this was all I could find of our supplies.” She shrugged in helplessness. “It’s a good thing I used most of my magic up sending for help, though. I do wonder why our cartographer never marked this island on the map, it’s such a lovely place.” 

Farrah turned her attention back to the piano after giving Kali a small smile, the only signal that she had been listening. 

Her anticipation had been growing, the temptation of playing the piano growing. She wondered what kind of noise it would make, if the music would be haunting or vibrant. 

Farrah decided she would find out, and placed both her hands on the piano and began to play a senseless tune. 

For a moment, the waves lapping against the chamber seemed to evaporate, and Kali gave a tired smile. “That’s a nice tune, Farrah. Where’d you learn it?”

Farrah stopped the tune to answer, but before she could, the entrance of the chamber blasted open from the pelting water of the sea. 

Both girls shrieked and scrambled to the furthest side of the admittedly small cave. Farrah latched onto Kali’s arm, hiding her face in Kali’s chest.

Suddenly, the comforting weight fell away, and Farrah stumbled forward. She looked down, and saw Kali unconscious on the floor. Racing towards her, she tried to lift Kali up from the floor, but her dead weight on the slippery floor made it near impossible to carry. 

Almost as if she were glued to the water.

 Another wave whipped across the room and wrenched Kali from Farrah’s weak grasp, dragging her out of what was left of the cave. 

Horrified shouts were torn from her lips as Farrah watched her girlfriend get tugged into the depths of the sea.

She could only watch in horror as Kali’s flesh slowly began to peel up from the pressure beneath the waves, and soon all that was left of Kali was surrounding Farrah in a pool of deep ruby blood, bone and sinew. 

Farrah turned back to the piano, distraught. She raised her hand and attempted to smash the keys, to kick out the legs, but discovered she could do none of those things. Instead, Farrah dried her tears, and let her gaze become foggy once more.

She resumed playing, blood dripping from her fingers in a constant stream, joining Kali’s at sea.

[Satan’s note: Hopefully this is a good end to the writing streak?]

[Rin’s Note: Hell yea! Bo Nitches. This is just like Dangy Romper fr fr]

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[Editor’s Note: This piece is part of the “Beat Boltsy Flay (And His College Testbook)” contest collection. In response, and in spite, to a section in his creative writing textbook which explicitly discouraged such a piece as ineffective and inadvisable, M&M admin Jenson Doan, whose Discord username is HeroBoltsy, challenged writers to tell short stories under 2000 words in the fantasy, espionage, horror, or romance genres; and, furthermore, to write more such qualified stories as a group than him in the span of four weeks. The current score of the Beat Boltsy Flay challenge stands at M&M 13 – 11 Jenson. There are 0 days, 0 hours, and 9 minutes left on the clock.]