Posted on: November 21, 2020 Posted by: Youthika Comments: 1

Beware of your friends

I trusted mine.

They will hold your heart in their hands

Dropping it just as you stand.

Beware of your family

I trusted mine.

They will tell you stories of long lost lies

Covering up with a sweet blanket of white.

Beware of your teachers

I trusted mine.

Holding your hand in the dark

Letting it go when they’re done.

Golden light peers through my windows.

It dances on the walls of my room.

Shadows of my silhouette swing 

Tulles and laces bunched around 

Swept around my waist, brushing the ground.

Twirling, twirling with the wand at hand

Bading Dorothy a peaceful farewell

I laugh at the picture that captures youth

I laugh and laugh

Dancing with the wind as the trees whisper gently

The darkness crawls over the town

As the night of the shadows begins to fall

Gutters darken; alight of revenge

Planned for years and years

After the unfair imprisonment.

The gates of the underworld have been opened

To release the devil himself from his chains

Delectable sweetness pierces my tongue

And I hear the calls of the spirits

The spirit of 

My hypocritical sister who whispers-

‘And so we beat on, boats against the current

borne ceaselessly into the past’

I think nothing of the words

And fly away from those I know

Off and far from the wild jokes-

The wind stops blowing.

The trees stop swaying.

They continue to whisper over and over.

‘Look ahead’

A slow, cold sensation comes over my face.

A stab right through the heart.



Oh, so quietly.

I walk forward.

My feet trodding softly, 

My heart threatening to escape out of my throat,

With every crackle of dead leaves

With every breath that escapes my lungs

The world swirls

Away from reality.

Let the dream take over.

Let the horses of the night seize your fate.

My eyes are covered with a wool cloth

My ears slowly shut out the hammering of my heart.

I feel the crunching of leaves under feet 

Far, far Away

I feel the deep breaths of-

I put my hands to my ears

And let out-

Lungs ripped out from my chest.

The blood curdling power of a scream.

The mighty muscles of my legs-

And I was away.

Until my foot caught on the wet, solid

Oddly placed ice

And my head breaks into a thousand pieces

Smashed against the gutter.

The red liquid streams through slits-

Imagine your worst fear

things that make you shiver so hard

you enter a place you cannot come out of

I look up

My lungs would not work-

And my blood chilled

As I stare

And stare

into the mottled


Rather unrecognizable 

Yet unmistakably alive face


my long-dead dear sister.

“Hello, sister.  Would you care to play with me?”

Author’s Note

This poem contains several references to many classical books. See if you can find them! 🙂


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