Posted on: August 31, 2023 Posted by: Meagan Grace Comments: 0

My phone pings as I enter the kitchen.

Can I come over rn?

“Ugh, it’s Seth.”

Why are you annoyed?

I text back


“He’s my brother.”

My keys clatter onto the counter louder than I intended. I open the fridge and scan it’s inhabitants. Half full. Mostly unappealing food that is either near or past its expiration date.

Huh? But I didn’t think you guys were like that. I thought you guys got along really well usually.

I let out a big sigh.

“We do. Ugh. I just don’t feel like it today.”

I close the fridge.



I glance at the message.

On my way

“No! Not today.”


Why not today?

“I’m kinda busy,” I say motioning to sash Beth. “and hungry.”


I absently tightened sash Beth around my wrist.

The fruit bowl stares at me sadly. I choose a mandarin orange, from the bunch. My hand knocks into the cold cup of tea I had left from this morning, nearly throwing it to the floor. I put it in the microwave and lean up against the counter peeling the orange over the trash can.


Just put them by the door


Put what by the door?

I set the orange down, and hurriedly make my way down the narrow hallway to the small corner I called my living room.

“His game stuff. OW!” I move back to let the pile of books and board games fall over. I hold my foot while hopping up and down.

Oh no! Are you ok?!

“Yeah, ow. I do that like 10 times a day. I really need to find a better place to put that stuff. Dang, that hurts.”

The living room is a semi-organized mess. I scan the room, trying to remember where I had put Seth’s stuff.

“Oh, there it is.” I reach for the shelf that is just out of reach.

“Ugh, I’ll have to get the stool.”

I take a step towards the kitchen and then spot the “pile of random stuff chair”. I move the chair over a few feet, and then scoot the junk on top of it over just enough for me to step up on it.

“Why in the world did I put it up here.” I say as I grab the few games and a controller.

I hear the microwave beeping and hurry to get my tea before I forget again. I step down carefully, with everything precariously balanced in my arms.

I cringe as the controller makes a concerning loud sound as I dumped everything out of my arms onto the counter. I catch one of the games before it slid into the floor. The tea shouldn’t be too hot this time, I only put it in for a minute. I take a sip.

“It’s very lukewarm. Oh, well.” I shrug and down the whole thing in a few gulps.



“Oh, shoot! I need to head back to work.”

Lily, don’t you still need to eat something?

“Oh, yeah. I’m so starving.”

I open a cabinet, and stuff a few snack bars into my limited pocket space.

Don’t forget your orange.

“Oh yeah. Thanks.”

I hear a familiar double knock on the door, and quickly scoop up Seth’s things.

I glance at the microwave clock on my way out.

“I really need to hurry.”

The door handle shakes, and the door opens a crack.


A foot pokes in.

“Seth. Don’t come in!”

The door swings open.

“Ugh! Come on! I said don’t.”

“I’m not in, see?”

He smiles and spins around on the concrete step. I let out a big breath and focus on not dropping his stuff as I hand it over to him.

“Here. Now leave.”

“Ah, be careful! You almost dropped that!”

Something clatters to the ground.

“Ha!” I say stepping back.

“What did I drop?”

I stoop down and pick it up.

“It must have fell out of your pocket. A drumstick?” I catch what seems like a moment of relief as I hand it back.

“Haha ya ya. Recently started it. Drumming I mean.”

He quickly shuffles everything into one arm.

I look at it closer as he takes it. A small symbol burned into the honey wood near the bottom.

“What’s that?” I say.

He quickly grabs it with his now free hand and pulls sash Beth off with it.

“No!” I blurt out. Grabbing her back.

Suddenly we both yelp as tiny sparks emit when the drumstick and sash Beth touch.


The gaming stuff crashed to the ground.

“What was that!” I cry out, trying to catch a breath.

“I don’t know. Wait, maybe…”

“Are you okay?” I say looking at sash Beth.

I think so. That felt so weird!

“Ya, I’m good.”Seth said.

He picked up the drumstick, turning it over.

“What?” I said tying sash Beth back onto my wrist.

He pointed the end of the stick at my wrist.

“What are you doing?”

“I knew it!” he cried as the stick vibrated.”But why? Where did you get this?” He said holding my wrist.

“What do you mean?” I say pulling it away.”What are you doing?”

“Oh, uh. I didn’t, uh.” He looks down hiding his hands behind his back.

“Spit it out.” I say bending down to stare him directly in the eyes.

“It’s uh, magic.”

I froze.

“H-how. Uh.”

“I’m a wizard in training.”


Surprise and relief wash over me.

“What!? Since when? How did you..” I stand up straighter. “Why didn’t you tell me!?”

“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to tell anyone until I was sure.”

“Wait, did you switch your major for it?”

“Yes.” He said avoiding my eyes.

“You! I ought to smack you.”

“I’m sorry okay!”

“What were you saying about this?” I say pointing to sash Beth.

“It’s magic. That’s what the spark was I guess. Though it has never done that before.”

“What do you mean?”

“This is a magic detector. I modified this wand to detect magic to see if my spells work or not. Where did you get that?”

“It’s Beth.”


“It’s a whole thing. I do not have time to explain right now. I need to get back to work. I’m late! But I think you can help. Could you meet me after work?”

“Sure I guess? Wh..”

“Okay, your place. I’ll come over.” I grab my keys and run past him.
