Posted on: March 20, 2024 Posted by: Aster Acharya Comments: 0

there’s a belief in the land of my roots

a belief in the power of the malevolent gaze

called the nazar

in the language of the pen i use,

it is called the evil eye

the nazar is the power of misfortune brought upon oneself

by the hateful gazes of demons and demons who claim to be human

we drape ourselves with the symbol of the eye bearing ocean colors,

staring back in defiance of evil, protecting ourselves,

protecting ourselves from the demons of the world

who would wish us harm

those envious neighbors

and persistent bullies, those traitorous co-conspirators, and false friends

for this, we are called superstitious, and maybe it is true

centuries of misfortune have made us rife with paranoia

however, i think not, for it was once said by a relatively important man or woman

that eyes are windows to the soul:

that eternal power,

the mind of God, given flesh and muscle in the heart

imprisoned in the chest of man

it is believed that the eyes allow one to see the essence of a man

it would be reasonable to say the essence of a man

emanates from the eyes

i wonder, do we poison the soul of the heart

when we blacken our eyes with our baleful gazes

and hating stares

do we butcher our fellow man, when we look at them

with disgust and jealousy

i wonder, is this why we, the humans and demons of the world,

is this why we weep

are our souls bleeding

is this why the eye is the mightiest of blades

is this why there is nothing as painful

as seeing the gaze of the demons we fear

the demons we despise

in the blood of our veins

in the water of the covenant

in the reflective glass on the wall

perhaps it is superstition to believe

we can protect ourselves from the evil eye

with amulets and earrings and paintings

we may protect our souls

from the poison of demons with our trinkets

but what of the poison of the heart?
