Search Results for: sunny side up

sunny-side up (part 4)

Posted on: August 2, 2022 Posted by: Sam Comments: 0

“Do you want me to help clean the plates?” Vanessa gestured to the forgotten dishes still left on the table, neglected on account of her and Minnie getting distracted playing Candy Land with Jo for an hour after dinner. If not for Minnie having to stand up and turn on…

sunny-side up (part 3)

Posted on: July 3, 2022 Posted by: Sam Comments: 0

Beep. Beep. Bee- “Shit,” Vanessa groaned, slamming her fingers against her phone to shut off the alarm. She grabbed her glasses, squinting as she looked at the window. The motel’s thin curtains were doing a terrible job of blocking out the afternoon sunlight.  Yes, it was three in the afternoon,…

sunny-side up (part 2)

Posted on: June 3, 2022 Posted by: Sam Comments: 0

Back and Forward. Back and Forward. Back and Forward. Minnie folded her napkin over and over again into small squares. Once she couldn’t fold it any smaller, she unfolded the napkin and repeated the motion. It was a habit she developed as a child in the very same diner, except,…

sunny-side up (part 1)

Posted on: May 15, 2022 Posted by: Sam Comments: 0

Despite its name, the Sunny-Side Up Motel appeared to be run-down from the outside, worn from years of sun rays endlessly attacking it and a painfully obvious lack of maintenance. It wasn’t much better on the inside, either. Minnie Martinez would know.  She started working at the motel when she…

The Grand Gang | Part 3

Posted on: April 13, 2024 Posted by: Meagan Grace Comments: 0

I felt a dulled stab into my consiousness. Something telling me I had really screwed up, but I wasn’t ready to accept it quite yet. Meg walked up behind Bess and gently pressed her hand on Bess’s shoulder. Bess glanced at her and then looked at me again.

“I think you should leave.” Bess said firmly.

I stood up, stunned. I made my way numbly to the car.